We provide solutions for your business...

If you're looking for the right solution for your business and you need experts, PJR Software is your answer. Our ongoing innovation includes client feedback, industry needs analysis, and SaaS demands.

Mission and impact

Our mission is to create the ideal software for the Portable Restroom Operator Rental industry that extends well past the day-to-day operation and to the world of forecasting. This will enable you to set financial goals that help you run your business like you want to sell it.

  • Create a solution that has the ability to save time and money in excess of 60%.

  • Develop a process that eliminates waste and invites innovation while the industry grows.

We deliver results

Our software originated from the needs of the Portable Restroom Operator Rental industry. As a leading provider of SaaS solutions for them, we have determined the key factors in developing software for the specific industry rather than one used by all.

PJR's advantage in this marketplace lies in its years of experience serving operators who need a solution that is flexible, reliable and affordable...we feel we do that.

We make your business gain more revenue at a glance

When its time to automate, do it with gusto!

Market Research

Our design team researches the needs and demands of the Portable Restroom industry. We design for the future...

User Experience

Our users are extremely valuable to the creation and implementation of our software. When we get feedback, we act quickly to resolve any problems.


You can use PJR Online at an affordable cost. Our month-to-month billing allows you to adjust your software budget based on your needs.

Feature-Rich Services

PJR Online is full of features developed for the small to medium business, but ideally usable for enterprise ones as well.

Award-Winning Performance

Since we started developing almost 20 years ago, our software solutions have been managing rental business generating over $1 Billion a year.

Business Growth

Our SaaS solution enables businesses to concentrate on selling instead of operational hurdles that affect overall performance.

Why Choose Us

With knowledge, skills & hard work

We discovered a gap in the marketplace and designed PJR Online to fill that void with an innovative system that truly addresses all aspects of this industry.

Like no other product on the market
  • Software Designed by Industry Experts 
  • Ongoing Development
  • Superior Support
Strategies That Work

Right strategies & implementations

When it comes to managing your business the right way, it takes the right strategies to get you to where you want to go.

How you implement your strategy is key to meeting the goals you set forth to reach success. How you manage that process matters, PJR Online takes that process seriously.

Why Choose Us

With knowledge, skills & hard work

Our team is constantly thriving to be "Number 1" in everything we do. We set high goals, set the bar high, and achieve them. With PJR Online you'll exceed your goals too!

Your road to success!

Get started with PJR Online and you'll begin your journey to success. Taking the first step to making a change can literally change your business and your life.

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