This is a report that should be run prior to each billing run so you can review and final edit any tickets that have not been Final Edited (status = Active or Review).
Keep in mind that a job will not bill if all the tickets are not final edited through the billing date. You are prompted for Date Through, optional Branch and Job Type.
The report data includes customer ID, Job ID, Ticket#, Driver (if assigned), Ticket Type, Ticket and Delivery/PickUp date, indication if ticket was printed and who the dispatcher was.
The data is sorted by customer, job then ticket date.
Go to the reports section and find the “Tickets” Section. Choose the type of report you’d like to run; in this case, Tickets Not Final Edited (Tickets Not Ready to Bill). Then choose the date, branch, job type (if necessary, or leave blank to run report for all job types).
You can also choose to run the report and download it as an excel file.
This is what a report may look like.