Company information is a place where you setup a number defaults, add your logo, set preferences as to how PJR will work. The form is divided into 7 sections based on the type of information you wish to add.
Go to the upper right and “hover” over the “Profile” icon. A dropdown menu will appear and then click on “Company Settings”.
Now, fill out your company information, upload a logo, and set defaults.
NOTE: For initial set up, all you have to fill in or select are the “Red” highlighted required areas. Once set up, then click the “Save” button and then continue to fill out other areas and choose the necessary defaults.
Company ID / Name: These fields are tied to your license and are controlled by PJR and you cannot change them.
Main Address/Phone/Fax: This is your physical address and associated phone and fax numbers. Phone 2 may be an 800# if you have one. All of these will print on your invoice.
Address on Invoice: This is the address that prints on the header of your invoices, allowing you to have a separate mailing address (i.e. PO Box).
The address that prints on the tickets will come from the Branch information.
ROC Number: If you enter the ROC#, it will appear on all the tickets and invoices, otherwise the space will remain blank. Since the label ROC# does not appear with the data, you can use this field for any type of license# that you want to print on invoices and tickets.
Website: The website address only appears on the bottom of the quote if entered.
Invoice Settings:
Currently Invoicing: The Currently Invoicing check mark indicates that someone is processing invoices and can be unchecked if nobody is invoicing.
Accounting Period Closed Through: In order to control accounting periods (invoices, payments, adjustments, etc.) you can manually close an accounting period to prevent users from entering a date into a period you have balanced and closed.
Rental Minimum: You can set up a default rental minimum amount to be used when you add new customers. You will need to indicate whether your rental minimum is taxable on the Branch form.
Logo: You can upload your logo (i.e. png, jpg type file) and then indicate if you want to print it on your invoices, tickets and/or quotes.
Export Format: Select the format that will be used when exporting invoices to your accounting system.
QB Export Job Name: If checked, when you create new customers, the Export Job Name name will default to be checked. Exporting invoices into QuickBooks with the Job Name will create a sub customer record with the PJR Job# and the job address. Invoices will then be associated to that job and not the customer.
QB Tax Preference On: This indicates that you have set your Sales Tax Preference in QuickBooks to On and will determine how tax is handled on the invoice export.
Default Misc. Items and Sale Items as Taxable: Because sale items and misc. items are not part of a price list (where tax status is set), checking this box will make sure that the Taxable box is checked when adding these types of items to a ticket.
Allow Void Exported Invoices: If checked, certain users will be able to void an invoice even though the invoice has been exported to your accounting software. You will have to manually void it there as well. If it is not checked, you cannot void an invoice that was exported.
Invoice Prefix: When first setting up PJR you have the option to add a 2 character prefix to your invoice#.
Print Sub Items on Invoices: If you use sub items to identify sign legends, you can determine if you want that level of detail to print on the invoice.
General Invoice Message: This message appears in the subtotal area of the invoice and will appear on all invoices. It is used to notify customers of holiday hours, your website or various certifications.
General Invoice Message (bottom): A second invoice message is also available that will print in a condensed font on the bottom of every invoice. This may be used for letting the customer know about finance charges or rental minimum.
Print Called In Date/Time on Tickets: As tickets are entered, they are date/time stamped and this can be printed on tickets indicating when the call was received. If you are not entering in tickets as the call comes in, you may not want to print that on the tickets (just uncheck the box).
Print All Items On Tickets: This refers to your return tickets. While you might have a dozen different items on a job site, when you create a partial return requesting only one item to be picked up, it is sometimes helpful to display all the equipment on the job site in case other items need to be picked up.
Invoice Format Default: Select the invoice format that you prefer to default to when adding new customers.
Division Default: Used only with Foundation or MAS invoice export formats.
Daily / Weekly / Monthly (DWM) Billing Settings:
If you choose to “automatically” bill your customers using three billing rates; select “Allow DWM Pricing”.
Default Report Formats:
You cal select the default report formats and also add your rental agreement.
Additional Settings:
- Job Settings (Job ID Automatically Created), Enable Duplicate Job Check
- Ticket Settings (Copy Service Zone on Sale Tickets), Include Active Tickets to Recalculate, Allow Copy Tickets
- Ticket Labor (Active/Pending), Don’t Round Billable Time on Ticket Labor, Show Labor Availability Warning, Enable Smart Labor Assignment
- Quote Settings (Quote ID Automatically Created), Allow Updating Price List When Converting Quote to Job, Show Job Name On Quote, Use Branch Address On Quote
- Mobile App Settings